Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Boxes, Boxes, Boxes!

We’ve been pretty busy around here lately moving! It’ll be a few weeks yet before we actually live at the new place, but we wanted to get as much as we could there (unnecessary items) so it isn't as overwhelming when we do actually move.  Plus being 26 weeks pregnant right now, things have to be taken a little slower ha-ha :) Most of the time I feel a bit useless since I can’t do any lifting and such; I just put things in boxes and tell people where to put them.

Its also going slower than most people move because we have a farm to run as well, and things such as making hay have to get done when the weather is good! Gus got to ride a few rounds with daddy while Gideon wached, very fun!!

My mom was able to come up for a few days this week and it was so nice to have extra hands! She did a wonderful job of making our yard at our current residence look wonderful! And between us two and the help of my mother in law we got a ton of things moved!
So far the boy have been really good about the move, even with a few nights of less sleep and all the excitement. I think it helps that they love being at the farm where we’re moving to, but it’ll still be an adjustment.

Most nights I feel the same as Gideon looks in this picture :D he just zonked out after we got back from moving things!  

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