Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Well, the calendar says it's supposed to be spring, but looking out the window there is still white stuff coming down :( I did get some seeds started for our garden a few weeks ago for when the weather does get better...it will get better, right?! haha it always does.

 I started some peppers, tomatoes, celery, watermelon, cantaloupe and dill. usually you plant dill right outside, but last year it wasn't ready when I needed it so I started it early this year.
Here are my lovely crocus. they have survived a foot of snow covering them (after they bloomed!) and are getting covered up again, but they are a promise that better days are ahead.

Buzz Cut

it was shearing day yesterday!

 Naked sheep :)
my job was to take the fleece and put it in the bag. Chris had to stomp it down though because i never would have gotten back out of the bag haha 93 sheep got sheered! we ended up with 4 bags.