Thursday, May 1, 2014

marbles and pictures

Gideon's really into marbles right now

We had parent teachers last night, Gus is doing really well
this first picture he drew the first day of school

this next one is from this week. they've been talking about what they want to be when they grow up. gus wants to be a farmer :) i love that he drew a beard on himself!!!  

this little dude will be 7 months tomorrow!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Well, the calendar says it's supposed to be spring, but looking out the window there is still white stuff coming down :( I did get some seeds started for our garden a few weeks ago for when the weather does get will get better, right?! haha it always does.

 I started some peppers, tomatoes, celery, watermelon, cantaloupe and dill. usually you plant dill right outside, but last year it wasn't ready when I needed it so I started it early this year.
Here are my lovely crocus. they have survived a foot of snow covering them (after they bloomed!) and are getting covered up again, but they are a promise that better days are ahead.

Buzz Cut

it was shearing day yesterday!

 Naked sheep :)
my job was to take the fleece and put it in the bag. Chris had to stomp it down though because i never would have gotten back out of the bag haha 93 sheep got sheered! we ended up with 4 bags.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Birthday bash!

Our oldest turned 5 on the 9th. Its hard for me to believe he's that old already! The older i get the faster time seems to pass. I get teary eyed when i look back at his baby pictures and see how much he's grown in such a short time, but it also makes me excited for all that is to come! Gus was a little sad on his birthday because school  was called off on acount of crazy cold weather; but we made up for it by having a fun day at home and cup cakes at supper :)

Our middle kid turned 3 just five short days later! He had fun helping me make his birthday treats. I was looking back on videos of Gideon as well this past week and was just amazed at how much he's grown in just the past year! He keeps us on our toes at all times, but i think he'll always be my little Gideon.

I love making their birthday cakes every year, its so fun to come up with the theam and see the smiles it brings when its all done! The past two years i've done one cake for each of them to try to keep each birthday special, but this year i opted to make one big cake, just for ease and i realy dont think they minded.

It was a camo cake this year! and i must say it was fun (even if time consuming) to make :) even the inside is camo! I found some camo sugar paper at walmart and thats what you see on the outside. I must say its not the gratest to eat, kinda tough and tasteless, but it does look good and is easy to work with, and easy to pull off if you dont want to eat it. Both boys ate it and thought it was fun.

inside view!

We had a great time with family celebrating these two crazy wonderful boys of ours :)

Monday, January 6, 2014


So i know i'm a little behind the draw here, but oh well, with three kids its not easy to find time to ones self!
we started off the Christmas season by playing the Holy Family in our church Christmas program :)

We were able to visit my family for there Christmas get together! My grandpa got to meat santa and said he thought he'd be taller haha :) i love this picture of them <3
we had a realy good time visiting! My sister was able to fly in from CA and we had a realy good time visiting. she was able to come up to our house and visit overnight with my mom after Christmas too wich was realy fun!

We had a nice Christmas day morning at home. Gus got us all some nice gifts at school! This is gideons with his :)

We made our new years gingerbread house! i admit it was a bit crazy and almost didnt happen, but it was fun :) i gave them each a side and it was fun to see the difference between them. gus's side was just plastered with candy! Gideons not so much, i think he ate more than he put on, actually i think he only put on what he did because i kept telling him to put some on the house haha! 
2013 was a crazy busy year for us, having a baby, moving, gus starting school; the year just flew by for us. I look back fondly and look ahead with anticipation to all that will happen in the new year.