Thursday, December 19, 2013

school play

Gus's school Christmas program was yesterday.
Is there anything more cute than a little boy all dressed up and fidgeting on stage?!
I was pleasantly suprised that they included the nativity and some hyms!
Gideon was so excited to go see Gus at school and was realy good, but didnt want to leave.
By his classroom tree

All ready to go home!
Gus documented our ride home with the camera (he loves to take pictures) so here are a few pictures he took. You can see that we have a nice thick blanket of snow!

Turkeys! we also saw a bald eagle!

Home again home again jiggity jig :)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I'm not sure where the time has gone, but oliver is already 2 1/2 months old!
the 3 amigos!
He had his check up today and he's 12 lbs 15oz (49%)
and 24 1/2'' long (85%)! tall and skiny just like dad :)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

snow day

Today was Gus's first ever snow day!
school was canseled due to the bad weather; i think he was a little disapointed at first.
i decided to cheer him up by making some snow ice cream!

They thought it was delicious!
i dont remember the last time we had so much snow so early! Hope you all stay warm in the cold snap that is coming!

Monday, December 2, 2013


Gus and i made some home made butter today! he did this at school a few weeks ago, so he knew what would happen, but its still fun :)
i needed the cream to make some Christmas candies (making them a bit early to send over seas to my brother) and had about half of the container left.
it realy couldnt be easier! all you need is cream, a jar and some willing helpers!
just put the cream in the jar, put lid on tight, and shake away!
it'll turn to whipped cream first, but dont stop! a few mins after it turns to whipped cream it will clump up into a clump of butter with 'buttermilk' seperated from it. i poured it from the jar into a strainer to seperate the 'milk' from butter.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving
from our home to